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The purpose of the Living Legacy Coaching program is to bring the hearts of the fathers back to their children and the hearts of their children back to their fathers!


Do Not live your life climbing the dead end paths. I see far too many broken men where regrets are eating them alive like termites on wood! 


Harvard is conducting the world's longest (85 years and growing) research study in the world! JFK was a participant when he was in college. They found out that 2 of the top 3 variables that lead men to a long, fulfilling, and successful life is RELATIONSHIPS!


Specifically, these 2 issues are key to longevity in men:

* The quality of DEEP conversations with close relationships

*The quantity of FREQUENT conversations with acquaintances


Dr. Sanchez has 20+ years of experience setting men free from the mental prison of their mind that has them building on the wrong foundations---that will all come grumbling down on their family relationships with significant others, kids, and friendships!


The most EXPENSIVE thing facing CEO's, Founders, and Entrepreneurs is divorce, alimony, and child support!


Our Living Legacy Executive Coaching relationship provides the tools to successfully accomplish a "First Things First" WORK-LIFE balance system that has social proof to successfully launch a family that is indeed your Living Legacy!


All of our coaching clients move through the 4 essential C.A.R.E. pillars of our program as our base:


C— Compassion

A— Awareness

R— Resiliency

E— Emotional IQ


Finally, do not wait for the right TIME as that will never happen. Instead, jump in NOW for all the RIGHT reasons (list your kids names here....)! 


The most common thing we hear from Living Legacy Executive Clients is this:



Never ever forget, "There's      2 TiMES To Be Great, When You Feel Like It And When You Don't!" TM




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Living Legacy Coaching Plans


Gold Members get 2 live meetings per month with Dr. Sanchez for either 6-months or 12-months depending upon your choice of length.   You also get:

* Early bird specials to Living Legacy Masterminds and Events.

*You are also added to the 2Times2Climb Facebook Community for added momentum to keep attacking!


Platinum Members get 6-months of 4 live meetings per month with Dr. Sanchez, then 6-months of 2 live meetings per month with Dr. Sanchez. You also get:

*6-months of weekly Q&A and momentum via messaging with Dr. Sanchez for an ultimate catalyst to attack your goals!

* Early bird specials to Living Legacy Masterminds and Events.

*You are also added to the 2Times2Climb Facebook Community for added momentum to keep attacking!


Elite Members get 12-months of 4 live meetings per month with Dr. Sanchez.  You also get:

*12-months of weekly Q&A and momentum via messaging with Dr. Sanchez for an ultimate catalyst to attack your goals!

* Early bird specials to Living Legacy Masterminds and Events.

*You are also added to the 2Times2Climb Facebook Community for added momentum to keep attacking!


to apply or for more information click the link below

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